Smart bike parking infrastructure for forward-thinking cities

User Registration

  • Cyclists need to register a personalized account on the Bikeep App.
  • Download in the Apple Store and GooglePlay.
  • Bikeep offers two payment options: $1 per lock (3 hours max) or a monthly unlimited
  • Subscription of $8, providing users with flexibility based on their usage patterns.
  • The cost structure of Bikeep's smart locking stations is designed to be accessible and costeffective.
  • Users can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with Bikeeps advanced security features.

Locking Process

  1. To secure their bikes, users can choose an available Bikeep smart locking station and follow the on-screen instructions on the app.
  2. Users have the ability to reserve a Bikeep stall up to an hour ahead of time, ensuring secure parking for their commute.
  3. The locking station is equipped with a 3 layer security system including hardened steel locking arm, 120db alarm and real time local security notifications.
  4. The Bikeep smart locking stations are equipped with sensors and alarms to detect any tampering or unauthorized attempts to remove the bike.
  5. E-Kruise and local security or police receive real-time notifications, enhancing the security features.

Remarkable Success in Theft Reduction

One of the most impressive aspects of Bikeep's smart locking stations is their effectiveness in reducing bike theft.  With over 2 million locks in use since the platform's inception in 2018, Bikeep boasts a staggering 99% success rate in preventing theft. Remarkably, only two recorded thefts have occurred, underlining the system's reliability and robust security measures.

Bikeep has rapidly expanded its reach and is currently operational in 23 countries spanning three continents. This global presence demonstrates the universal demand for effective bike security solutions and the trust that cyclists worldwide place in the Bikeep system.

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Interested in getting Bikeep for your business, parking lot, university, or municipal projects? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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